===== Data ===== The ``Data`` class creates a data object that handles reading inputs and outputs. For example, ``mydata = Data()`` creates a Data object ``mydata``. After read inputs and outputs data using :func:`~atomdnn.data.Data.read_inputdata` and :func:`~atomdnn.data.Data.read_outputdata`, the data are stored as numpy array in two dictionaries, which can be accessed by ``mydata.input_dict['keys']`` and ``mydata.output_dict['key']``, where the ``'key'`` refers to input and output variables. **Input data dictionary** ``'key'``: - ``'fingerprints'``: 3D array *[num_images, num_atoms, num_fingerprints]* of the fingerprints. - ``'atom_type'``: 2D array *[num_images, num_atoms]* of the atom element type, starting from 1 and sequentially increases. - ``'volume'``: 2D array *[num_images,1]* of cell volume, the last dimension is used for matrix multiplication. - ``'dGdr'``: 4D array *[num_images, num_der_paris, num_fingerprints, 3]* of the derivative of fingerprints w.r.t atom coordiante, the last dimension is three coordinates. - ``'neighbor_atom_coord'``: 4D array *[num_images, num_der_pairs, 3, 1]* to store the neighbor atom coordinates, the last dimension is added for the convenience of matrix multiplication in tensorflow. - ``'center_atom_id'``: 2D array *[num_images, num_der_pairs]* to store the center atom ID. - ``'neighbor_atom_id'``: 2D array *[num_images, num_der_pairs]* to store the neighbor atom ID, note that the neighbors could be ghost atoms. **Output data dictionary** ``'keys'``: - ``'pe'``: 1D array *[num_images]* of potential energy. - ``'force'``: 3D array *[num_images, num_atoms, 3]* of atomic force. - ``'stress'``: 2D array *[num_images, 9]* of stress tensor with 9 components (6 independent). Class ----- .. autoclass:: atomdnn.data.Data :members: Functions --------- These functions are used to manipulate Tensorflow dataset .. autofunction:: atomdnn.data.split_dataset .. autofunction:: atomdnn.data.get_input_dict .. autofunction:: atomdnn.data.get_output_dict .. autofunction:: atomdnn.data.slice_dataset