Source code for atomdnn.descriptor

import os
import time
from import read,write
import atomdnn
import re
import glob
import shutil
import random

def sorted_alphanumeric(filenames):
    Sort file names in alphanumeric order.
    convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
    alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ] 
    return sorted(filenames, key=alphanum_key)

[docs]def get_filenames(file_path,file_name): """ Get the names of a set of files that match the patten given by file_name. Return the filenames having the format of 'string1*string2', in which string1 and string2 can be any strings amd * must be an integer. """ true_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(file_path,file_name)) if '*' in file_name: name_mask = file_name.split('*') if len(name_mask)!=2: raise ValueError('The file name \'%s\' can only has one *.'%file_name) filenames = glob.glob(true_path) # get the files matching the given pattern # make sure '*' only replace numbers, take out non-related files filenames = [filenames[i] for i in range(len(filenames)) \ if os.path.basename(filenames[i]).replace(name_mask[0],'').replace(name_mask[1],'').isdigit()] filenames = sorted_alphanumeric(filenames) # sort the files if len(filenames)==0: raise FileNotFoundError('Cannot find any files \'%s\' in %s'%(file_name,file_path)) return filenames else: return [true_path]
[docs]def create_lmp_input(descriptor,descriptors_path): """ Creates a lammps input file for computing descriptors and derivatives Args: descritpor (dictionary): the parameter dictionary of the descriptor """ infile = os.path.join(descriptors_path,'in.gen_descriptors') lmpinfile = open(infile,'w') G2_parameters = '' for i in range(len(descriptor['etaG2'])): G2_parameters += str(descriptor['etaG2'][i])+' ' G4_parameters = '' for i in range(len(descriptor['etaG4'])): G4_parameters += str(descriptor['etaG4'][i])+' ' zeta_parameters = '' for i in range(len(descriptor['zeta'])): zeta_parameters += str(descriptor['zeta'][i])+' ' lambda_parameters = '' for i in range(len(descriptor['lambda'])): lambda_parameters += str(descriptor['lambda'][i])+' ' compute_fp_line = 'compute 1 all fingerprints ${cutoff} etaG2 ' + G2_parameters \ + 'etaG4 ' + G4_parameters \ + 'zeta ' + zeta_parameters \ + 'lambda ' + lambda_parameters + 'end\n' compute_der_line = 'compute 2 all derivatives ${cutoff} etaG2 '+ G2_parameters \ + 'etaG4 ' + G4_parameters \ + 'zeta ' + zeta_parameters \ + 'lambda ' + lambda_parameters + 'end\n' dump_fp_line = 'dump dump_fingerprints all custom 1 ${fp_filename} id type c_1[*]\n'+ \ 'dump_modify dump_fingerprints sort id format float %20.10g\n' dump_der_line = 'dump dump_primes all local 1 ${der_filename} c_2[*]\n'+ \ 'dump_modify dump_primes format float %20.10g\n' if atomdnn.compute_force: compute_line = compute_fp_line + compute_der_line dump_line = dump_fp_line + dump_der_line else: compute_line = compute_fp_line dump_line = dump_fp_line lmpinfile.writelines('clear\n'+ 'dimension 3\n'+ 'boundary p p p\n'+ 'units metal\n'+ 'atom_style atomic\n'+ 'variable cutoff equal ' + str(descriptor['cutoff']) + '\n' + 'read_data ${lmpdatafile}\n' + 'mass * 1.0\n'+ 'log ${logfile}\n'+ 'pair_style zero ${cutoff} nocoeff\n'+ 'pair_coeff * * 1.0 1.0\n'+ 'neighbor 0.0 bin\n' + compute_line + dump_line + 'fix NVE all nve\n'+ 'run 0')
[docs]def create_descriptors(elements, xyzfiles, descriptor, \ format='extxyz', descriptors_path=None, descriptor_filename='dump_fp.*', der_filename='dump_der.*', \ start_file_id=1,image_num=None, skip=0, keep_lmpfiles=False, create_data = True, verbose=False, silent=False, **kwargs): """ Read extxyz files as inputs and create descriptors and their derivatives w.r.t. atom coordinates. Args: elements: a list of elements, e.g. ['C','O','H'], make sure the sequence is consistant xyzfiles: a serials of extxyz files of input atomic structures, wildcard * is used for files numerically ordered descritpor (dictionary): the parameter dictionary of the descriptor format: 'lammp-data','extxyz','vasp' etc. See complete list on 'extxyz' is recommanded. descriptors_path: a new directory where descirptors will be generated, default is './descriptors' descriptor_filename: default is 'dump_fp.*', numerically ordered der_filename: default is 'dump_der.*', numerically ordered start_file_id(int): starting id for descriptor and derivative files image_num: number of images that will be used, if it's None then read all files specified by xyzfile_name skip(int): skip some images keep_lmpfiles(bool): set to True if want to keep the lammps input and datafiles used for creating descriptors create_data(bool): set to True if want to create Data object using the generated descriptors verbose(bool): set to True if want to print out the extxyz file names used for creating descriptors kwargs: used to pass optional file styles """ if descriptors_path is None: descriptors_path = str(hash(random.random())) os.makedirs(descriptors_path, exist_ok=True) if not isinstance(descriptor, dict): raise TypeError("descriptor shoud be given as a dictionary") if '*' in descriptor_filename: fp_name_mask = descriptor_filename.split('*') if len(fp_name_mask)!=2: raise ValueError('The descriptor_filename can only has one *.') if '*' in der_filename: der_name_mask = der_filename.split('*') if len(der_name_mask)!=2: raise ValueError('The der_filename can only has one *.') xyzfile_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(xyzfiles)) xyzfile_name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(xyzfiles)) xyzfile_names = get_filenames(xyzfile_path,xyzfile_name)[skip:] if image_num is not None and image_num<len(xyzfile_names): nfiles = image_num else: nfiles = len(xyzfile_names) if nfiles >1 and '*' not in descriptor_filename: raise ValueError('Multiple extxyz files found, use * in descriptor_filename.') if nfiles >1 and '*' not in der_filename: raise ValueError('Multiple extxyz files found, use * in der_filename.') # check existing files in descriptor directory if len(os.listdir(descriptors_path))>0: while True: del_files = input('There are existing files in %s, do you want to first delete the files, y/n? '%descriptors_path) if del_files=='y': for f in os.listdir(descriptors_path): os.remove(os.path.join(descriptors_path,f)) break elif del_files=='n': break if atomdnn.compute_force and silent==False: print('Start creating fingerprints and derivatives for %i files named \'%s\' ...'% (nfiles,descriptor_filename)) elif silent==False: print('Start creating fingerprints for %i files named \'%s\' (no derivatives, set atomdnn.compute_force to True for derivatives) ...'% (nfiles,descriptor_filename)) #os.chdir(descriptors_path) # switch to descriptor directory start_time = time.time() for i in range(nfiles): if format!='lammps-data': patom = read(xyzfile_names[i],format=format,**kwargs) create_lmp_input(descriptor,descriptors_path) # create lammps input file named 'in.gen_descriptors' if '*' in descriptor_filename: fp_fname = fp_name_mask[0] + str(i+start_file_id) + fp_name_mask[1] else: fp_fname = descriptor_filename if '*' in der_filename: der_fname = der_name_mask[0] + str(i+start_file_id) + der_name_mask[1] else: der_fname = der_filename lmpdatafile = 'lmpdatafile.'+str(i+start_file_id) lmpdatafile = os.path.join(descriptors_path,lmpdatafile) logfile = 'log.'+str(i+start_file_id) logfile = os.path.join(descriptors_path,logfile) if format=='lammps-data': shutil.copyfile(xyzfile_names[i],lmpdatafile) else: # use specorder to make sure the type of atoms are consistant write(lmpdatafile, patom, specorder=elements, format='lammps-data',atom_style='atomic') # create lammps datafile # lammps run command fp_pfname = os.path.join(descriptors_path,fp_fname) der_pfname = os.path.join(descriptors_path,der_fname) infile = os.path.join(descriptors_path,'in.gen_descriptors') lmp_cmd = os.environ['lmpexe'] + ' -in ' + infile \ + ' -var fp_filename ' + fp_pfname \ + ' -var der_filename ' + der_pfname \ + ' -var lmpdatafile ' + lmpdatafile \ + ' -var logfile ' + logfile status = os.system(lmp_cmd) # run lammps if status!=0: raise RuntimeError('LAMMPS returns error, find error message in jupyter notebook terminal.' + 'To check problems, set keep_lmpfiles=True in create_descriptors function,' + 'and then check lammps input and data files in descriptor directory.') if not keep_lmpfiles: os.remove(lmpdatafile) os.remove(logfile) if verbose and silent==False: if atomdnn.compute_force: print(' file-%i: read atoms from \'%s\' and created descriptors in \'%s\' and derivatives in \'%s\'' \ % (i+1,os.path.basename(xyzfile_names[i]),fp_fname,der_fname)) else: print(' file-%i: read atoms from \'%s\' and created descriptors in \'%s\'' \ % (i+1,os.path.basename(xyzfile_names[i]),fp_fname)) if i > 0 and int((i+1)%10)==0 and silent==False: print (' so far finished for %d images ...' % (i+1),flush=True) if not keep_lmpfiles: os.remove(infile) os.remove('log.lammps') if silent==False: print('It took %.2f seconds.'%(time.time()-start_time),flush=True) if atomdnn.compute_force: print('The fingerprints files \'%s\' and derivatives files \'%s\' are saved in folder \'%s\'.'%(descriptor_filename,der_filename,descriptors_path)) else: print('The fingerprints files \'%s\' are saved in folder \'%s\'.'%(descriptor_filename,descriptors_path)) if create_data is True: if silent is False: print('\nUsing the generated descriptors to create and return an AtomDNN Data object.') from import Data # create a Data object using the generated descriptors atomdnn_data = Data(descriptors_path,descriptor_filename, der_filename, xyzfile_path, xyzfile_name,format,image_num,skip,verbose,silent,**kwargs) return atomdnn_data
def get_num_fingerprints(descriptor,elements): """ Compute the total number of fingerprints. Args: descritpor(dictionary): parameters that defines the descriptors elements(list): list of elements Returns: total number of fingerprints """ ntypes = len(elements) if descriptor['name'] == 'acsf': ntypes_combinations = ntypes*(ntypes+1)/2; n_etaG2 = len(descriptor['etaG2']) n_etaG4 = len(descriptor['etaG4']) n_zeta = len(descriptor['zeta']) n_lambda = len(descriptor['lambda']) num_fingerprints = int(n_etaG2*ntypes + n_lambda*n_zeta*n_etaG4*ntypes_combinations + ntypes); return num_fingerprints