Source code for

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import os.path
from itertools import chain, repeat, islice
import time
import atomdnn
import random
import shutil
from import read,write
from atomdnn.descriptor import get_filenames
import glob
from atomdnn import color

# slice dictionary
def slice_dict (data_dict, start, end):
    keys = list(data_dict.keys())
    return {keys[i]: list(islice(data_dict[keys[i]],start, end)) for i in range(len(keys))}

# used to pad zeros to data 
def pad_infinite(iterable, padding=None):
    return chain(iterable, repeat(padding))
def pad(iterable, size, padding=None):
    return islice(pad_infinite(iterable, padding), size)

[docs]class Data(object): """ Create Data object, with an option to read inputs and outputs. \ Parameters are explained in :func:``. """ def __init__(self, descriptors_path=None, fp_filename=None, der_filename=None, \ xyzfile_path=None, xyzfile_name=None, format='extxyz',image_num=None, skip=0, \ verbose=False, silent=False, read_der=atomdnn.compute_force,**kwargs): self.data_type = atomdnn.data_type if self.data_type == 'float32': self.str2float = np.float32 elif self.data_type == 'float64': self.str2float = np.float64 else: raise ValueError('data_type has to be \'float32\' or \'float64\'.') self.print_inputinfo_together = False self.input_dict = {} self.output_dict = {} if descriptors_path is not None and fp_filename is not None: self.read_inputdata(descriptors_path,fp_filename,der_filename,verbose=verbose,silent=silent,read_der=read_der) if xyzfile_path is not None and xyzfile_name is not None: self.read_outputdata(xyzfile_path,xyzfile_name,format,image_num,skip,verbose=verbose,silent=silent,**kwargs)
[docs] def read_inputdata(self,descriptors_path, fp_filename, der_filename=None, image_num=None, skip=0, append=False, verbose=False, silent=False, read_der=atomdnn.compute_force): """ Read input data from :func:`` and :func:``. Args: descriptor_path: directory to descriptor files fp_filename: file names for descriptors, use '*' for multiple files order numerically der_filename: file names for derivatives, use '*' for multiple files order numerically image_num: None if read all files given by the fp_filename skip(int): skip some images append(bool): True if append inputs to already existing data object verbose(bool): True to show all reading file names read_der(bool): True if read derivatives """ if append and len(self.input_dict)==0: print(color.RED + 'Warning: data is not appendable, append has been set to False.' + color.END) append = False self.print_inputinfo_together = True self.read_fingerprints_from_lmpdump(descriptors_path,fp_filename,image_num,skip,append,verbose) if der_filename is not None and read_der: self.read_der_from_lmpdump(descriptors_path,der_filename,image_num,skip,append,verbose) if silent is False: print('\ntotal images = %d' % self.num_images) print('max number of atoms = %d' % self.maxnum_atoms) print('number of fingerprints = %d' % self.num_fingerprints) print('number of atom types = %d' % self.num_types) print('max number of derivative pairs = %d' % self.maxnum_blocks)
[docs] def read_fingerprints_from_lmpdump(self, descriptors_path, fp_filename, image_num=None, skip=0, append=False,verbose=False,silent=False): """ Read descriptors(fingerprints), atom_type and volume from the descriptor files created with LAMMPS, and save them into data object. """ if append and len(self.input_dict)==0: print(color.RED + 'Warning: data is not appendable, append has been set to False.' + color.END) append = False if not append: self.natoms_list=[] self.ntypes_list=[] files = get_filenames(descriptors_path,fp_filename)[skip:] if image_num is not None and image_num<len(files): nfiles = image_num else: nfiles = len(files) if nfiles==0: raise ValueError('Cannot find \'%s\' in \'%s\''%(fp_filename,descriptor_path)) if silent is False: print ("\nReading fingerprints from \'%s\' for total %i files ..."%(fp_filename,nfiles)) maxnum_atoms = 0 # max number of atoms among all the images # screen all the files, get the number of atoms and check data consistance for i in range(nfiles): f = open(files[i],'r') lines = f.readlines()[9:] f.close() natoms = len(lines) if natoms > maxnum_atoms: maxnum_atoms = natoms self.natoms_list.append(natoms) if i==0: num_fingerprints = len(lines[0].split())-2 if append and num_fingerprints != self.num_fingerprints: raise ValueError("The number of fingerprints not equall to the one in existing dataset.") else: if num_fingerprints != len(lines[0].split())-2: raise ValueError("The number of fingerprints in \'%s\'(%i) is different from \'%s\' (%i)."\ %(os.path.basename(files[0]),(len(lines[0].split())-2),os.path.basename(files[i]),num_fingerprints)) if append: if self.maxnum_atoms > maxnum_atoms: maxnum_atoms = self.maxnum_atoms padding = False else: padding = True fingerprints = np.zeros([nfiles,maxnum_atoms,num_fingerprints],dtype=self.data_type) atom_type = np.zeros([nfiles,maxnum_atoms],dtype='int32') volume = np.zeros([nfiles,1],dtype=self.data_type) # read finterprints, atom_type and volumes for i in range(nfiles): f = open(files[i],'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() lx = self.str2float(lines[5].split()[1]) - self.str2float(lines[5].split()[0]) ly = self.str2float(lines[6].split()[1]) - self.str2float(lines[6].split()[0]) lz = self.str2float(lines[7].split()[1]) - self.str2float(lines[7].split()[0]) volume[i] = [lx*ly*lz] for j,line in enumerate(lines[9:]): # loop inside each file line = line.split() atom_type[i][j] = int(line[1]) fingerprints[i][j] = [self.str2float(x) for x in line[2:]] self.ntypes_list.append(max(atom_type[i])) if verbose and silent is False: print(" file-%i: read fingerprints from \'%s\'."%(i+1,os.path.basename(files[i]))) if int((i+1)%50)==0 and silent is False: print (' so far read %d images ...' % (i+1),flush=True) if not append: self.input_dict['fingerprints'] = fingerprints self.input_dict['atom_type'] = atom_type self.input_dict['volume'] = volume self.maxnum_atoms = maxnum_atoms self.num_fingerprints = num_fingerprints else: if padding: # pad existing data if silent is False: print('Pad existing dataset.') pad_size = maxnum_atoms - self.maxnum_atoms self.input_dict['fingerprints'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['fingerprints'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.input_dict['atom_type'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['atom_type'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.maxnum_atoms = maxnum_atoms self.input_dict['fingerprints'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['fingerprints'],fingerprints),axis=0) self.input_dict['atom_type'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['atom_type'],atom_type),axis=0) self.input_dict['volume'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['volume'],volume),axis=0) #if silent is False: # print(' Finish reading fingerprints from total %i images.' % nfiles,flush=True) self.num_images = len(self.input_dict['fingerprints']) self.num_types = max(self.ntypes_list) if not self.print_inputinfo_together and silent is False: print('total images in dataset = %d' % self.num_images,flush=True) print('max number of atoms in dataset= %d' % self.maxnum_atoms,flush=True) print('number of fingerprints in dataset= %d' % self.num_fingerprints,flush=True) print('type of atoms in dataset= %d' % self.num_types)
[docs] def read_der_from_lmpdump(self,descriptor_path, der_filename, image_num=None,skip=0,append=False,verbose=False, silent=False): """ Read derivatives of fingerprints w.r.t. coordinates (dGdr), neibhor_atom_coord, center_atom_id, neighbor_atom_id. """ if append and len(self.input_dict)==0: print(color.RED + 'Warning: data is not appendable, append has been set to False.' + color.END) append = False if not append: self.num_blocks_list=[] files = get_filenames(descriptor_path,der_filename)[skip:] if image_num is not None and image_num<len(files): nfiles = image_num else: nfiles = len(files) if nfiles==0: raise ValueError('Cannot find \'%s\' in \'%s\''%(der_filename,descriptor_path)) if silent is False: print("\nReading derivatives from \'%s\' for total %i files (may take a while for large data set) ..."%(der_filename,nfiles)) start_time = time.time() maxnum_blocks = 0 # max number of block in the reading input dataset # screen all the derivative files, get the number of derivative pairs(blocks) and check data consistance for i in range(nfiles): in_file = open(files[i], 'r') lines = in_file.readlines()[9:] nlines = len(lines) if nlines%3 != 0: raise ValueError('The derivative file \'%s\' has the wrong line number.'%os.path.basename(files[i])) nblocks = int(nlines/3) if nblocks > maxnum_blocks: maxnum_blocks = nblocks self.num_blocks_list.append(nblocks) if i==0: num_fingerprints = len(lines[0].split())-3 if append and num_fingerprints != self.num_fingerprints: raise ValueError("The number of fingerprints not equall to the one in existing dataset.") else: if num_fingerprints != len(lines[0].split())-3: raise ValueError("The number of fingerprints in \'%s\'(%i) is different from \'%s\' (%i)."\ %(os.path.basename(files[0]),(len(lines[0].split())-3),os.path.basename(files[i]),num_fingerprints)) if append: if self.maxnum_blocks > maxnum_blocks: maxnum_blocks = self.maxnum_blocks padding = False # do not pad existing data else: padding = True # pad existing data dGdr = np.zeros([nfiles,maxnum_blocks,num_fingerprints,3],dtype=self.data_type) neighbor_atom_coord = np.zeros([nfiles,maxnum_blocks,3,1],dtype=self.data_type) center_atom_id = np.zeros([nfiles,maxnum_blocks],dtype='int32') neighbor_atom_id = np.ones([nfiles,maxnum_blocks],dtype='int32')*(-1) for i in range(nfiles): in_file = open(files[i], 'r') lines = in_file.readlines()[9:] in_file.close() lines = [lines[j].split() for j in range(len(lines))] ipair = 0 for j in range(0,len(lines),3): block = lines[j:j+3] center_atom_id[i][ipair] = int(block[1][0])-1 # center atom id, -1 to help with idexing neighbor_atom_id[i][ipair] = int(block[1][1])-1 # neighbor atom id, -1 to help with idexing neighbor_atom_coord[i][ipair] = np.array([[self.str2float(row[2])] for row in block[0:]]) dGdr[i][ipair] = np.array([[self.str2float(x[k]) for x in block[0:]]for k in range(3,len(block[0]))]) ipair += 1 if verbose and silent is False: print(" file-%i: read derivatives from \'%s\'."%(i+1,os.path.basename(files[i]))) if int((i+1)%50)==0 and silent is False: print (' so far read %d images ...' % (i+1),flush=True) if not append: self.input_dict['center_atom_id'] = center_atom_id self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'] = neighbor_atom_id self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'] = neighbor_atom_coord self.input_dict['dGdr'] = dGdr self.maxnum_blocks = maxnum_blocks self.num_fingerprints = num_fingerprints else: if padding: # pad existing data if silent is False: print (' \nPadding existing dataset because number of derivative pairs increased in new data.') pad_size = maxnum_blocks - self.maxnum_blocks self.input_dict['center_atom_id'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['center_atom_id'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size)),'constant',constant_values=(-1)) self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.input_dict['dGdr'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['dGdr'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.maxnum_blocks = maxnum_blocks self.input_dict['center_atom_id'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['center_atom_id'],center_atom_id),axis=0) self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'],neighbor_atom_id),axis=0) self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'],neighbor_atom_coord),axis=0) self.input_dict['dGdr'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['dGdr'],dGdr),axis=0) #if silent is False: # print(' Finish reading derivatives from total %i images.'% nfiles,flush=True) if not self.print_inputinfo_together and silent is False: #print('total images in dataset = %d' % len(self.input_dict['center_atom_id']),flush=True) print(' max number of derivative pairs = %d' % self.maxnum_blocks,flush=True) #print('number of fingerprints = %d' % self.num_fingerprints,flush=True) if verbose and silent is False: print(' It took %.2f seconds to read the derivatives data.'%(time.time()-start_time),flush=True)
[docs] def read_outputdata(self, xyzfile_path, xyzfile_name, format='extxyz',image_num=None, skip=0, append=False, verbose=False, silent=False,\ read_force=atomdnn.compute_force, read_stress=atomdnn.compute_force, **kwargs): """ Read outputs(energy, force and stress) from extxyz files Args: xyzfile_path: directory contains a serials of input atomic structures xyzfile_name: atomic structure filename, wildcard * is used for files numerically ordered format: 'lammp-data','extxyz','vasp' etc. See complete list on 'extxyz' is recommanded. read_force(bool): make sure extxyz files have force data if it's True read_stress(bool): make sure extxyz files have stress data if it's True image_num: number of images that will be used, if it's None then read all files specified by xyzfile_name append(bool): append the reading to previous data object verbose(bool): set to True if want to print out the extxyz file names kwargs: used to pass optional file styles """ if append and len(self.output_dict)==0: print(color.RED + 'Warning: data is not appendable, append has been set to False.' + color.END) append = False if not append: self.natoms_in_force=[] files = get_filenames(xyzfile_path,xyzfile_name)[skip:] # get filenames that match the patten given in xyzfile_name if image_num is not None and image_num<len(files): nfiles = image_num else: nfiles = len(files) if nfiles==0: raise ValueError('Cannot find \'%s\' in \'%s\''%(xyzfile_filename,xyzfile_path)) maxnum_atoms = 0 for i in range(nfiles): patom = read(files[i],format=format,**kwargs) natoms = patom.get_global_number_of_atoms() self.natoms_in_force.append(natoms) if natoms > maxnum_atoms: maxnum_atoms = natoms if append: if self.maxnum_atoms_output > maxnum_atoms: maxnum_atoms = self.maxnum_atoms_output padding = False else: padding = True pe = np.zeros(nfiles,dtype=self.data_type) if read_force: force = np.zeros([nfiles,maxnum_atoms,3],dtype=self.data_type) if read_stress: stress = np.zeros([nfiles,6],dtype=self.data_type) if silent is False: print('\nReading outputs from \'%s\' ...' % xyzfile_name, flush=True) for i in range(nfiles): patom = read(files[i],format=format,**kwargs) try: pe[i] = patom.get_potential_energy(patom) except: if silent is False: print(' There is no potential energy in \'%s\'.'%files[i], flush=True) return if read_force: try: force[i] = patom.get_forces(patom) except: if silent is False: print(' There is no atomic forces in \'%s\'.'%files[i], flush=True) return if read_stress: try: stress[i] = patom.get_stress(patom) except: if silent is False: print(' There is no stress in \'%s\'.'%files[i], flush=True) return if verbose and silent is False: if read_force and read_stress: print(' file-%i: read output potential energy, forces and stress from \'%s\''\ %(i+1, os.path.basename(files[i]))) elif read_force: print(' file-%i: read output potential energy and forces from \'%s\''\ %(i+1, os.path.basename(files[i]))) elif read_stress: print(' file-%i: read output potential energy and stress from \'%s\''\ %(i+1, os.path.basename(files[i]))) else: print(' file-%i: read output potential energy from \'%s\''\ %(i+1, os.path.basename(files[i]))) if int((i+1)%50)==0 and silent is False: print (' so far read %d images ...' % (i+1),flush=True) if not append: self.output_dict['pe'] = pe if read_force: self.output_dict['force'] = force if read_stress: self.output_dict['stress'] = stress self.maxnum_atoms_output = maxnum_atoms else: if padding and read_force: if silent is False: print('Pad existing dataset force since the atom number in new data is increased.') pad_size = maxnum_atoms - self.maxnum_atoms_output self.output_dict['force'] = \ np.pad(self.output_dict['force'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.output_dict['pe'] = np.concatenate((self.output_dict['pe'],pe),axis=0) if read_force: self.output_dict['force'] = np.concatenate((self.output_dict['force'],force),axis=0) if read_stress: self.output_dict['stress'] = np.concatenate((self.output_dict['stress'],stress),axis=0)
#if silent is False: #print(' Finish reading outputs from total %i images.\n' % nfiles,flush=True) #print('total images = %d' % len(self.output_dict['pe'])) # print('max number of atoms = %d' % self.maxnum_atoms_output) #if silent is False: # print('---------------------------------------------------')
[docs] def shuffle(self): """ Shuffle the data. """ zipped = list(zip(*[self.input_dict[keys] for keys in list(self.input_dict.keys())],*[self.output_dict[keys] \ for keys in list(self.output_dict.keys())])) random.shuffle(zipped) unzipped= list(zip(*zipped)) i=0 for keys in list(self.input_dict.keys()): self.input_dict[keys] = unzipped[i] i+=1 for keys in list(self.output_dict.keys()): self.output_dict[keys] = unzipped[i] i+=1 del zipped,unzipped
[docs] def slice(self, start=None, end=None): """ Slice the data between image start and image end, and return both the input and output dictionaries. Index starts from 1 """ self.check_data() input_dict = slice_dict(self.input_dict, start-1, end-1) output_dict = slice_dict(self.output_dict, start-1, end-1) return input_dict, output_dict
[docs] def get_input_dict(self,start=None, end=None): """ Return the input dictionaries from image start to image end. Index starts from 1. If end is not privided, return only one dictionary of image start. """ if start==None: start=0 return slice_dict(self.input_dict, 0, 1) if end==None: return slice_dict(self.input_dict, start-1, start) else: return slice_dict(self.input_dict, start-1, end-1)
[docs] def get_output_dict(self,start=None, end=None): """ Return the output dictionaries from image start to image end. Index starts from 1. If end is not privided, return only one dictionary of image start. """ if start==None: start = 0 return slice_dict(self.output_dict, 0, 1) if end==None: return slice_dict(self.output_dict, start-1, start) else: return slice_dict(self.output_dict, start-1, end-1)
[docs] def convert_data_to_tensor(self): """ Convert the input and ouput data to Tensorflow tensors. This can speed up the data manipulation using Tensorflow functions. """ self.check_data() print('Conversion may take a while for large datasets...',flush=True) start_time = time.time() for key in self.output_dict: self.output_dict[key] = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.output_dict[key],dtype=self.data_type) for key in self.input_dict: if key=='fingerprints' or key=='volume' or key=='dGdr' or key=='neighbor_atom_coord': self.input_dict[key] = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.input_dict[key],dtype=self.data_type) else: self.input_dict[key] = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.input_dict[key],dtype='int32') end_time = time.time() print('It took %.4f second.'%(end_time-start_time),flush=True)
[docs] def check_data(self): """ Check consistance of input and output data. """ if 'fingerprints' in list(self.input_dict.keys()): if 'dGdr' in list(self.input_dict.keys()): if len(self.input_dict['fingerprints']) != len(self.input_dict['dGdr']): raise ValueError("The image numbers of fingerprints files and derivative files are not consistant.") if self.num_fingerprints != len(self.input_dict['dGdr'][0][0]): raise ValueError("The fingerprints numbers of fingerprints files and derivative files are not consistant.") if 'pe' in list(self.output_dict.keys()): if self.num_images != len(self.output_dict['pe']): raise ValueError("The image numbers of fingerprints files and pe files are not consistant.") else: raise ValueError("No potential energy in output data.") if 'force' in list(self.output_dict.keys()): if self.num_images != len(self.output_dict['force']): raise ValueError("The image numbers of fingerprints files and force files are not consistant.") if self.natoms_list != self.natoms_in_force: raise ValueError("The atom numbers in fingerprints files and force files are not consistant.") if 'stress' in list(self.output_dict.keys()): if self.num_images != len(self.output_dict['stress']): raise ValueError("The image numbers of fingerprints files and stress files are not consistant.") else: raise ValueError('No fingerprints in input data.')
[docs] def append(self,apdata,read_force=atomdnn.compute_force,read_stress=atomdnn.compute_force): """ Append one dataset with a second dataset. """ # append fingerprints and output data pad_size = np.absolute(self.maxnum_atoms - apdata.maxnum_atoms) if self.maxnum_atoms < apdata.maxnum_atoms: self.input_dict['fingerprints'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['fingerprints'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.input_dict['atom_type'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['atom_type'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) if read_force: self.output_dict['force'] = \ np.pad(self.output_dict['force'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.maxnum_atoms = apdata.maxnum_atoms elif self.maxnum_atoms > apdata.maxnum_atoms: apdata.input_dict['fingerprints'] = \ np.pad(apdata.input_dict['fingerprints'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) apdata.input_dict['atom_type'] = \ np.pad(apdata.input_dict['atom_type'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) if read_force: apdata.output_dict['force'] = \ np.pad(apdata.output_dict['force'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) apdata.maxnum_atoms = self.maxnum_atoms self.input_dict['fingerprints'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['fingerprints'],apdata.input_dict['fingerprints']),axis=0) self.input_dict['atom_type'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['atom_type'],apdata.input_dict['atom_type']),axis=0) self.input_dict['volume'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['volume'],apdata.input_dict['volume']),axis=0) self.output_dict['pe'] = np.concatenate((self.output_dict['pe'],apdata.output_dict['pe']),axis=0) if read_force: self.output_dict['force'] = np.concatenate((self.output_dict['force'],apdata.output_dict['force']),axis=0) if read_stress: self.output_dict['stress'] = np.concatenate((self.output_dict['stress'],apdata.output_dict['stress']),axis=0) # append derivatives data pad_size = np.absolute(self.maxnum_blocks - apdata.maxnum_blocks) if self.maxnum_blocks < apdata.maxnum_blocks: self.input_dict['center_atom_id'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['center_atom_id'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size)),'constant',constant_values=(-1)) self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.input_dict['dGdr'] = \ np.pad(self.input_dict['dGdr'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) self.maxnum_blocks = apdata.maxnum_blocks elif self.maxnum_blocks > apdata.maxnum_blocks: apdata.input_dict['center_atom_id'] = \ np.pad(apdata.input_dict['center_atom_id'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) apdata.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'] = \ np.pad(apdata.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size)),'constant',constant_values=(-1)) apdata.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'] = \ np.pad(apdata.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) apdata.input_dict['dGdr'] = \ np.pad(apdata.input_dict['dGdr'], ((0,0),(0,pad_size),(0,0),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=(0)) apdata.maxnum_blocks = self.maxnum_blocks self.input_dict['center_atom_id'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['center_atom_id'],apdata.input_dict['center_atom_id']),axis=0) self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id'],apdata.input_dict['neighbor_atom_id']),axis=0) self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord'],apdata.input_dict['neighbor_atom_coord']),axis=0) self.input_dict['dGdr'] = np.concatenate((self.input_dict['dGdr'],apdata.input_dict['dGdr']),axis=0)
#================================================================================================================= # some functions to operate tensorflow dataset
[docs]def get_input_dict(dataset): """ Args: dataset: Tensorflow dataset Returns: dictionary: input dictionary, see :class:`` for the structure of the dictionary """ for x,y in dataset.batch(len(dataset)): return x
[docs]def get_output_dict(dataset): """ Args: dataset: Tensorflow dataset Returns: dictionary: output dictionary, see :class:`` for the structure of the dictionary """ for x,y in dataset.batch(len(dataset)): return y
def get_nfp_from_dataset (dataset): """ Args: dataset: Tensorflow dataset Returns: number of fingerprints """ if dataset.element_spec[0]['fingerprints'].shape[1] is not None: return dataset.element_spec[0]['fingerprints'].shape[1] else: return len(get_input_dict(dataset)['fingerprints'][0][0]) # for tensorflow version below 2.6
[docs]def split_dataset(dataset, train_pct, val_pct=None, test_pct=None, shuffle=False,data_size=None): """ Split the tensorflow dataset into training, validation and test. Args: dataset: tensorflow dataset train_pct: the percentage of data used for training val_pct: the percentage of data used for validation test_pct: the percentage of data used for testing shuffle(bool): shuffle the dataset data_size(int): if None, then use all data in the dataset Returns: tensorflow dataset: training, validation and test dataset """ if not data_size: data_size = dataset.cardinality().numpy() if val_pct is None: val_pct = 0 if val_pct == 0: print ("No data are used for validatiaon by default.") if test_pct is None: test_pct = 0 if test_pct == 0: print ("No data are used for test by default.") if train_pct + val_pct + test_pct > 1: raise ValueError('Percentages are not correct.') train_size = int(train_pct * data_size) val_size = int(val_pct * data_size) test_size = int(test_pct * data_size) print('Traning data: %d images'% train_size) print('Validation data: %d images'% val_size ) print('Test data: %d images'% test_size) if not shuffle: print ('Data are not shuffled by default, set shuffle=True if needed.') if shuffle: # note that: reshuffle_each_iteration has to be False dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=dataset.cardinality().numpy(),reshuffle_each_iteration=False) train_dataset = dataset.take(train_size) val_dataset = dataset.skip(train_size).take(val_size) test_dataset = dataset.skip(train_size+val_size).take(test_size) return train_dataset,val_dataset,test_dataset
[docs]def slice_dataset(dataset, start, end): """ Get a slice of the dataset. Args: dataset: input dataset start: starting index end: ending index Returns: tensorflow dataset """ return dataset.skip(start).take(end-start)